We live in a time in which everything should be quick and easy and results must be directly measurable. He who thinks that in that respect this book fits in this time, is mistaken. The book of Proverbs is not a ‘quick bite’ literature and a directly desirable effect is more often absent than present. The reading of this book and the meditation on it in the heart demands patience. It can be compared with using a certain medicine which you first ought to take for a while to notice its beneficial effect. When we read and meditate on the book of Proverbs daily, the healthy efficacy of this book will be noticeable after a course of time.
Let us take the time to experience this book, to take in the content, as it were. As with the medicine it is necessary to ask the blessing from the Lord, which means that we read it prayerfully. It will benefit our spiritual health if we ‘take in’ this part of God’s Word prayerfully. That will express itself in making wise, good choices in all of those situations that daily happen in our lives in which we have to make decisions.
The book of Proverbs is the manual that tells us how we can become wise. It is not meant for people who love to be intellectually busy with philosophy. It is meant for every Christian and especially for the young Christian who realizes that the world in which he lives is a labyrinth with many traps and pitfalls. This book shows the way in this labyrinth and indicates where the traps and pitfalls are, so that he can avoid them.
If we prayerfully reflect on what we have read and put into practice what we have pondered, we will greatly benefit spiritually. Our life will be to the honor of God and to the blessing of our environment, while it gives us the satisfaction of a life in fellowship with God.
Ger de Koning
Middelburg, June 2016, reviewed Mai 2023
Introduction to the book
The book of Proverbs follows after the book of Psalms. In Psalms it is particularly about the inward feelings toward God. In Proverbs it is particularly about the outward walk toward the world. As being occupied with Psalms causes one to have a burning heart, being occupied with Proverbs causes one to have a shining face. Each one of these books represents one of the two sides of the life of the believer. You recognize Psalms in what Peter calls “a holy priesthood”, and Proverbs in what he calls a “royal priesthood” (1Pet 2:5,9). The book of Psalms places you in the presence of God to offer Him spiritual sacrifices as a holy priest. The book of Proverbs places you in the presence of the world to proclaim the virtues of God in royal dignity.
In Proverbs we see the kindness of God, Who in His wisdom shows us His insight in who man is really like. He shows us the ways man goes and the consequences of all the ways in which a man can walk. In this book we see the law that what a man sows, he also reaps (Gal 6:7). The world is for man, for us, a labyrinth, where one single wrong step can have bitter consequences. It is therefore a great grace to have a book that shows us the way of prudence and life and does that from the perspective of the wisdom that comes from God.
Solomon is filled with that wisdom from above. In his letter James mentions the characteristics of this wisdom (Jam 3:17). Solomon applies this wisdom in a way that we can use it in the world in which we live. He describes the things as God sees them. If we submit to God’s Word we will discover in this book the roadmap for our life. Included are the instructions to avoid the path of one’s own wisdom and to be able to recognize the foolish promptings of our own heart. It may be clear that the road of life is not a fearful road, but one that gives joy in going it if we take to heart the teaching of this book.
In this book of proverbs, we find useful precepts for all categories of people, for young and old, for man and woman, from high to low. Kings and persons in high esteem, as well as those in low positions and living in the poorest conditions, read in it instructive lessons about their behavior in their various circumstances. Its specific prescriptions contain instructions on wisdom and foolishness, the righteous and the wicked, the tongue, pride and humbleness, justice and revenge, the family, laziness and work, poverty and riches, friends and neighbors, love and passion, anger and fight, masters and servants or employers and employees, life and death. The precepts of life concern the values and standards in the sphere of the family, but also in the sphere of religion, politics and economics. The proverbs deal with each aspect of human relationships, with their Divine principles transcending the boundaries of time and culture.
The whole book is the compass for each person in his own circumstances to determine the right course of his life ship on the sea of life, skirting the cliffs. We find an abundance of sound rules designed to regulate life in every possible circumstance. These rules are put down clearly, emphatically and very varied. If our desire is to be taught, we can choose from a multitude what is most appropriate for our personal situation.
The main purpose of the wisdom teacher speaking to us in this book, which is actually the Lord Jesus Himself, is to instill in us a deep reverence for God and ignite in us a fervent love of wisdom and virtue. He has admonitions and advice on sexuality, laziness, the use of the tongue, money, courage, respect. He mentions matters like: unrighteousness, wickedness, lawlessness, idleness, carelessness, drunkenness and nearly every vice.
The wisdom teacher doesn’t mince words. He paints these matters in bright colors. He does so especially for the young person, whom he focuses on with his teaching. There is nothing that ruins a young person as thoroughly as bad company, debauchery and illicit connections. Therefore the teacher uses the most powerful arguments against these vices. In particular, he sharply denounces the aimless wandering and hanging around and the company of the seductive woman.
This is at the same time one of the reasons why the book of Proverbs is not one of the favorite books of the Bible for some. This is because the book is very confrontational.
Another argument used for not reading it is that it contains rules that are too general and seem far from working in practice. As an example the following is sometimes quoted: “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Pro 22:6). We all know that even well-raised children sometimes stray from the way of the Lord. What is then the use or profit of such a general rule if it doesn’t seem to be work anyway? What we must learn, is to look higher and beyond what we perceive in life around us.
To understand this book, we must have the key to this book. Only if we use that key we will experience the great blessing that this book holds. That key is: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” (Pro 1:7a). The name ‘LORD’ (Yahweh) presupposes a relationship with Him. It is the Name of God that indicates the connection between Him and His people.
If we want to get the true and optimal benefit from this book, we will have to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus. If we have a living relationship with Him, we will approach this book with the greatest reverence for God. Then a treasure will be unlocked that invites us to dig deeper and deeper.
This splendid book is really a goldmine of Divine wisdom. As it is said, it tells us how God sees the human nature and therefore how the human nature really is. We read a description of life dedicated to God and we also receive teaching and advice on how to live this life. Let our prayer be: “Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth” (Psa 86:11a). We will then on the one hand avoid the conduct of the world, while on the other hand the Lord Jesus will become more and more visible in our conduct (Rom 13:13-14).
The proverbs in this book are taken from observations the wise Solomon made regarding life or from what he himself experienced. In that way also the ordinary sayings which we use or which we hear others using, originate. Just take for example our saying, ‘strike the iron while it is hot’. Someone saw that at the blacksmith’s or he did it himself as a blacksmith. But the proverbs in this Bible book go deeper. It is not simply life wisdom. The proverbs are surely taken from observations or they describe experiences, but they are connected to faith. This book is the revelation of God concerning life. It tells about man from God’s perspective. He directs life, He is the sovereign God (cf. Pro 21:1; 16:33). Life is not a succession of coincidences.
Solomon has observed people (Pro 7:6-24) and passes on what he has seen. The observations he made, under Divine inspirations, are thorough and accurate. What we get to see, is not a flattering picture. But if we also learn to look at it as he does, it will enormously help us to go our life’s journey to the glory of God, to the blessing of others and to our own joy. If we take this book to heart by accurately applying the rules written in it, to our life and behavior, the result will be that each one of us will be a “man of God … equipped for every good work” (2Tim 3:16-17).
The book of Proverbs is wisdom literature. The nations also have wisdom literature. Egypt, for example, is famous for that. The major difference between the two is that in Proverbs wisdom is seen in the light of the fear of God. In this book we find wisdom for everyday life, a wisdom only found in the Word of God (cf. Jer 8:9). True wisdom begins with the Word of God.
Whoever sets aside the Word of God, is a fool. Words of the wise (Pro 22:17; 24:23) are words of those who are familiar with God’s Word, not as study-room scholars, but as people who apply that Word to all things in their daily life. It is about everyday life, but seen in the light of eternity. To those who listen to the words of the wise, it will be eternal glory. But behind those who ignore these words, the dark background of the realm of the dead rises (Pro 4:19; 15:11).
Behind and above Solomon we see Him Who is “more than Solomon”, the Lord Jesus (Mt 12:42). He is the true Teacher Who teaches about life. He teaches practical life wisdom. He Who teaches this is the great example Himself of the Wise (Isa 11:2). Everything in this book is perfectly true of Christ. His whole journey on earth was the journey of the wise. With Him we see in everything that He was perfectly led by the fear of the LORD, while we at the same time observe that with Him foolishness was completely absent.
He is not only the wise Man, but also the wise King, as Solomon also was as a picture of Him. For us as New Testament believers this means that we can only understand this book and bring it into practice when the Lord Jesus reigns in our heart and life.
Division of the book
1. Prologue (Proverbs 1:1-7)
2. Instructing speeches (Proverbs 1:8-9:26)
3. First series of proverbs of Solomon (Proverbs 10:1-22:16)
4. First appendix (Proverbs 22:17-24:22)
5. Second appendix (Proverbs 24:23-34)
6. Second series of proverbs of Solomon (Proverbs 25:1-29:27)
7. First appendix: the proverbs of Agur, the son of Jakeh (Proverbs 30:1-33)
8. Second appendix: the words for king Lemuel (Proverbs 31:1-9)
9. Third appendix: praise to the woman (Proverbs 31:10-31)