Report of the visit from 2016-10-9 till 2016-10-20
After a prosperous voyage we had a few days to prepare us physically and mentally on our stay in China. Monday 26-9 Thomas arrived. It was good to see a familiar face between those countless faces that to us resemble each other so much. We were picked up and brought to the underground b-school (further: ugbs).
As a result of the prayer info was asked what ‘b-school’ means. The ‘b’ stands for a word that better cannot be mentioned in a letter such as that of us. It stands for the word that we usually use for the Word of God. That Word can be searched by a search engine as a typical word that is characteristic for our religion. Also ’our religion’ is a definition for a word that we want to avoid. Another word that should be avoided is the name the Lord got at His birth (Mat 1:21) as well as what he was made by God after His glorification (Acts 2:36, second name). Another characteristic word that should be avoided is the word that means ‘good news’ and for which Paul was not ashamed (Rom 1:15-16). These definitions will be understandable for the b-reader. That we use words as God and Lord and Father and other expressions from the Word, is because they are not specifically characteristic for our religion, but are commonly used words.
That we must be cautious was underlined by what Thomas told about recently tightened government measures for non-government-approved house-churches, the non-registered ones. If such a church comes together, the national flag has to be hung out of the window of the meeting room. Also should there be video cameras registering the visitors. In other place in China they didn’t know of this measure.
It seems that this measure applies in particular to Wenzhou, the city which was the first on our program. Wenzhou is known as the ‘Jerusalem of China’ because of the many churches, both registered and non-registered. It seems that the appointment that we had on Saturday with some brethren with a view to visiting them, out of safety reasons could not happen. When we arrived at the ugbs we asked C., who had invited us here, to the measures. He said that this was indeed the case.
When we arrived we drove into a parking garage in the building. No one could see us get off. Our room was on the seventh floor, the top floor. It sounds a bit strange: ‘underground’ on the one side and on the seventh floor of a building where meetings and studies held on the other side. But underground does only means not-registered. That believers meet there is also known to the government, but is tolerated as long as there is no nuisance and the government sees no threat. Anyway, these measures make clear that the government increases the pressure and wants to show through certain measures that they are the boss.
The curtains had to remain stiff closed during our stay. No one was allowed to see us and during the days that we have been there, we were not allowed to leave the building. The building is recognizable as church, there is a large cross on it. The government wants all crosses on churches to be removed. Who follows the church news, knows of the ‘crusade’ against the crosses. Also against C. is said that he has to remove the cross. He has replied that if they want it gets off, they have to do it, for he himself will not do it. It is still there. Chinese believers are tolerated to come together, but to receive foreigners – like us – and above that allows them to teach, means risking a fine or even imprisonment.
Monday was the introduction and an outline of the letter to the Romans. Of the Chinese translation of commentary on that letter 10,000 copies are made and already distributed at various places in China to churches and ugbs. That was a big surprise for us. Also making books is not without danger. There is freedom to do it, but only if there is permission from the government. An ISBN must be requested and then the content is checked. Publishing a book without ISBN is punishable. Thomas told that someone recently was sentenced to two years in the prison.
The young people with whom we were together this week, got a copy. That was convenient, because they could use it to prepare themselves for the portion that we would discuss the next day. Also at the discussion of more difficult portions they could read along and make further notes.
From Tuesday to Thursday we studied Romans 1:1-6:11, three studies in the morning and three studies in the afternoon of each 50 min and 10 min break between each study. They were young believers, but eagerly to learn. About the Holy Spirit they appeared to be unknown with some aspects. They reject speaking in tongues and also sign and wonders. On the question who prays to the Holy Spirit, they replied that they do. On my question where they find this in the Bible, they had no answer. There is also no text that speaks about this.
The Holy Spirit has come to glorify the Lord Jesus and to lead us in the worship of the Father and the Son, not to be an object of worship Himself. The work of the Holy Spirit is seen everywhere where the Lord Jesus is glorified in the life of the believer in the practice of every day. They will certainly consider this point on the basis of the Word.
Friday morning, we had an evaluation. I was curious as to their reason to go to the ugbs. It turned out there were several reasons: some were sent by the church they visit, in order to serve better there. Others had come on the advice of their parents. Still others had come by personal considerations. Someone was gone because there already was a friend and had also asked her to come. They have the desire to serve the Lord.
A good question came from someone who asked how he could know the will of the Lord, for he knew not what he had to go do when he had finished the here. We have talked about with all that serving the Lord takes place in the daily life in the society, in the family and in the church. The stay on a b-school is not the ‘normal’ Christian life. It can be useful for someone, but the important thing is to be faithful in everyday life, that is in the family, in society and in the Church. The danger is also that because of a completed training on a b-school someone has the feeling to be more or to know more than someone who has not had such a training. The following illustration spoke to them:
A young theologically educated preacher spoke about Psalm 23. He did his utmost to explain the psalm well, but his message did not come across. Then an old man spoke. He bowed his head, his hands trembled and his body was marked by many years of hard work. He began to say: ‘The Lord is my Shepherd.’ When he was ready, it was noiseless, his audience was deeply impressed. When the young preacher asked the old man why his words had made such a difference, the old man simply said: ‘You know the psalm, I know the Shepherd.’ The truth is that the everyday life the whole life long is a school in which God forms every one of His own.
During the meals we have met a couple from Malaysia. They gave marriage counseling to a group of mature believers who was there. They are living now for six years in Beijing. When they heard that we were coming to Beijing, they have also invited us to visit them. They live in an area where a number of universities is located and they desire to reach the students there with the good news. We were wondering if we could visit them and what the Lord wanted with this contact.
The farewell on Friday morning gave a feeling of melancholy. You create a bond with them. C. wanted us to come back next year to study the letter to the Galatians with the young people who will then be there. This comment is also translated into Chinese. It has to be proofread to improve the translation where necessary. When that is done, it can be made available and distributed.
We said goodbye to Thomas after we have thanked the Lord for the time we were allowed to serve Him here together. We also asked if He wants to make it clear whether this will be possible again in the next year, if He has not yet come then. Two other prayer points were (and are) a new visit to a city in the Northeast, where we have been together twice, and organizing a Conference for ‘leaders’ in the church. Thomas told that there is a great lack of capable, Biblical leadership – elders or overseers – in the churches in China. It is not to appoint them, but it is about to show brothers their responsibilities and to take that on the basis of what Scripture says about it among other things in 1 Timothy 1 3 and Titus 1, and to stimulate in it (1Tim 3:1-7; Tit 1:5-9).
Saturday and Sunday and Monday morning (1-10/3-10) we were in Shanghai. We wanted to be there in order to come together with believers and to proclaim the death of the Lord. We were there two years ago. This time it our visit coincided with a small-scale conference from Sunday to Tuesday. Because of national holidays, annually from 1-7 October, this Conference could be held. The topic was the heroes of faith from Hebrews 11. A brother from Singapore had the introductions. After each introduction there was a group discussion. We could be present at four introductions, which have encouraged us in the life in faith. It has been pointed out that we all can be a hero of faith if we really trust in God.
It was refreshing to hear different old and new aspects of the faith of these heroes. For example, what we had not yet realized is that Abel kept sheep only to sacrifice them. Meat is in fact given by God to man for food not until Gen. 9:3. Of the faith of Sarah in the promise of a son, we find a designation in Genesis. It says that she denied her laughing at the announcement of the birth, but immediately afterwards it says that she ‘was afraid’ (Genesis 18:15). This fear is the beginning of her faith. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
One of the new contacts, a brother from India, told that he and his family were led by the Lord to China. He lives there now two years and teaches at a school near Shanghai with the aim to bring the good news there. We also got an address in Beijing where we can meet believers.
Monday afternoon we went to Harbin. There we were met by three sisters of the ugbs. Two of them we had met in our previous visit to Harbin. The third was the translator. It turned out that she was converted only one year ago and the Lord had led her to this school. Her unfamiliarity with the Book she has largely compensated with her enthusiasm to do something for the Lord. For me it was a challenge to speak as simple as possible and to quote much from the Word. There you can most easily refer to.
When we arrived at our accommodation, we had again to be very carefully and had to enter the building in absolute silence. Just like in Wenzhou it was on the top floor, with the difference that in this apartment a lot of other people lived, among whom some were very curious. A different appearance and a different language would definitely cause questions and problems. With a view to studies a large attic room was changed into a classroom. The participants in the studies came there, so that we didn’t need to go to them. We had to be careful and stay indoors for three days.
When we entered the room on the morning of the first day, it was filled with about 25 younger and older believers. They wanted to know more of God's Word. It was a pleasure to share God's Word with them. After a few introductory questions it was clear that they already knew quite a lot of God's Word. The translator looked up against her task. The Lord has helped. The whole group prayed for her once spontaneously because she felt attacked by the devil. It was a good experience that. The daily schedule was the same as in Wenzhou. The Lord has given grace to explain a lot from His Word. It is a pleasure to hear a text or section read aloud by all. They found the many references an enrichment of their relation with the word.
Also here we studied the letter to the Romans. Their involvement in the studies was great. Although the difference in culture is great, it was again clear that Chinese people have exactly the same nature as Dutch people. When I asked what for them is an idol, they shouted in unison: money. Their answer to my question what they do first when they wake up (except opening their eyes and wash) was: look at WeChat (Chinese WhatsApp, through which all Chinese seem to be in contact with each other) to see if they have a message. It is recognizable. When I started with an email account, I also had to conclude at a certain moment that I first went to see if I had new email before I went reading the Scripture and praying and had to confess that. If the Lord has priority, we will start the day with Him, as the Lord also began the day to listen to His Father (Isa 50:4-5).
Here also we have talked with each other about the Holy Spirit. Here it turned out that no one prayed to the Spirit. Further, it turned out that the point of the election was not clear. The Calvinist doctrine of double predestination – that involves God choses both who will be saved and who will perish – is a persistent evil. It still seems so logical: if there is an election to eternal life, there must be an election to eternal judgment. Scripture teaches that God chooses people to be saved and that a man is lost because he is not willing to repent. It cannot be rationalized, but must be accepted in faith. After the explanation about it, it has become much clearer to them.
Thursday, at the end of the studies, after it was dark, we were allowed to leave our ‘shelter’. First they showed us the stays the b-school students. Those are in a different apartment in the same courtyard. There are rooms for young people and rooms for the elderly. The young people were at that time working on the program for that evening: from 19:00-22:00 personal study of the Word and prayer. The rooms are very simple and each department cares for their own food. The brief encounters on that evening were valuable to us. It is encouraging to see how much they want to know the will of God and do it. Thereafter, we went to see the center of Harbin.
Friday morning we said goodbye. We had definitely to come back next year. The question already about what I was going to give b-studies then. We will see what the Lord makes clear, both for coming back and for the subject. It will be October or November, when the Lord has not come back and He again opens the door. Then we travelled to the next place, Shenyang.
In Shenyang we were met by a young brother and sister. There were two exits of the station, a north exit and a south exit. We did not know which one we had to take, but chose the right one by the goodness of the Lord. Later we read a message which was sent to us, but which we could not read because we did not have Internet access, that they waited for us there. After we had been brought in our accommodation, at 6 am the translator with her husband and another couple came to us. They said that the wife of Lee, the brother who had invited us, had a serious operation just a few days ago. There is cervical cancer diagnosed in her. That's why he could not come to pick us up and not be at the b-studies. Also only a few could visit the planned studies because many had to work Saturday and Sunday to compensate the free national holidays. So it turned out differently than planned.
However, the Lord has given a good time with some studies on Saturday and Sunday where some sisters were present. Also the unconverted husband of a sister was in one of the studies. That was a miracle and a great encouragement. He has never been before with his wife in the church. Another encouragement was that the translator told that she recently had terminated her job and was wondering what she could do for the Lord. She has been a teacher of Chinese. I asked her if she maybe wanted to try to translate a commentary in Chinese. That she found a nice challenge.
Monday we had reserved as a day without obligations. It was a good day of some rest. Tuesday we travelled to our next destination: Jinan. To our surprise Lee came to see us and say goodbye, along with a sister who had guided us. His wife is still seriously ill, but there is some improvement. He had received good reports of the studies and wanted us to return next year.
In Jinan some brothers and sisters welcomed us. They brought us to a flat where the church meets. The next day we went to another location, a living somewhere in Jinan in another flat, half an hour drive from our stay. Should the police come, we were engaged in a ‘cultural exchange’. In the living about twenty people had come together. We had thought that it would be another ugbs, but it appeared to be mature believers with a task in the church, including several church leaders.
After half an hour of singing and praying the study of 1 Peter began. There again was great interest and making notes. The living room atmosphere made it easier to ask questions. There were questions about eating blood, the law, the election, the Holy Spirit. Here also were several who prayed to the Holy Spirit. The explanation that this is not according to Scripture was accepted with approval. They said they did not do that at first, but that this had come in, amongst other things through certain songs in which is sung to the Spirit. It is another indication of how important it is to test songs to God’s Word. Another point was the false prosperity gospel and unscriptural doctrine of grace from Joseph Prince, who claims that everything is grace and that if you are a believers it is not necessary to confess sins. In contrast to that wrong teaching there is the false doctrine of the law as a rule of life for the believer. These two false teachings divide the church here.
A further issue about which questions were asked, is the possibility that a believer still could perish. That has been discussed extensively. Who has been born of God, always remains a child of God. Who says he is born of God, but is living in sin is a liar. They were very pleased with the sound teaching on this subject. Furthermore, here also there is a tendency to introduce more Old Testament customs and celebrations, which also causes tensions among believers. The letter to the Hebrews makes clear that any introduction of Jewish customs in our religion and worship is a denial of the one work of our Lord.
Later, during dinner, some wanted to know more about speaking in tongues and healings. Scripture speaking in tongues can happen under the conditions we find in Scripture in 1 Corinthians 14: as a sign for unbelievers, while there is someone who explains, because the aim is that the church is edified (1Cor 14:22,27). As for the practice, we can think of areas where the good news has not yet been preached. It always is an existing language and not babbling or murmur that no one understands.
That it is about existing languages, we can learn from the three times we read in Scripture about speaking in a language or languages by people who have not learned that language, but to whom it is given by God: Adam, at the building of the tower of Babel and when the Holy Spirit is poured forth. It is, just like with every gift, also with speaking in tongues, for the edification of the church. No gift is given by the Spirit in order to build himself up, but always to serve others with it. That somebody himself is built up with the use of a gift is a nice extra, but not its purpose. 1Cor 14:3 is, therefore, no encouragement, but a correction.
The second day we talked a lot about the future, the coming of the Lord for the believers to take them to Himself in the air, the great tribulation, the coming of the Lord with the believers to the earth, the kingdom of peace, the two resurrections, the new heaven and the new earth.
The parting was very warm. The sisters embraced Willy, some of them with tears. The leading brother expressed his appreciation for our coming and sharing God’s Word. There was a number of actual questions in the church on which they got a clear answer from Scripture. That happens without knowing the situation. Yet it is not totally unexpected, because here are the same people with the same problems as in the Netherlands. Our prayer is that the Lord will use it to bring this part of His church more in line with His thoughts. They want us to come back next year to receive further education. Again they made an excuse for our primitive shelter and the small number who could be invited, but it all had to do with security. Maybe next year (DV) it can be different.
Friday we traveled to Beijing. As we have written in our prayer info we were wondering what the Lord would have for us there. Our expectations are not embarrassed. That actually began immediately after we sent our prayer info. Elizabeth, a sister from Germany, whom we had met a few years earlier in the north, emailed that she wanted to help us when we were in Beijing, because she lived there now. Saturday at the end of the afternoon she came to us.
Saturday morning we first got a visit of someone of a ugbs in Beijing to get acquainted with us. We have ask each other some questions to see if there are opportunities to once be there for studies. We have gotten the impression that it is more theological schooling. On the question of the admission requirements the first answer was that some previous training is necessary. We did not get a clear answer on questions about mental conditions such as repentance, life with the Lord and the motivation of those who want to follow the training, at least not as clear as we wished. After the conversation were invited to visit the b-school on Tuesday.
Saturday afternoon Elisabeth showed us something of the old Beijing and familiarized us in the subway. She also recommended us some sights and told how we could get there. It was nice to meet her again.
Sunday we were able to visit a church in Beijing. It is a small, warm community. We were able to proclaim the death of the Lord and listen to God's Word. There was also a couple from Scotland, which like us was for the first time in Beijing. Every year they are around Easter in Sri Lanka to serve the believers with God’s Word. It was a pleasant acquaintance.
Monday it was beautiful weather. The sky was blue and the sun shone all day. The days before and after were gray because of the heavy smog that at this time of the year hangs over Beijing. It was a beautiful day to be tourist. We visited the Great Wall. This wall is the largest Chinese tourist attraction. We went up with the cable car and walked back down the wall. Thus, we have walked a tiny piece of the more than 4000 km long wall. That was more than enough for us, because it was just scrambling and descending style. And we were not the only ones. It seemed like all the Chinese had chosen this day to visit the wall. What throngs of Chinese with here and there a single tourist. It was a nice experience.
Tuesday we visited in the morning the Forbidden City, also called the Imperial Palace, overlooking Tiananmen Square, also huge tourist attractions. It was as if all the Chinese people of yesterday were now here, but now taking with them all their friends and acquaintances. It was a sea of people. It was again a nice experience.
The Great Wall and the Forbidden City with its imperial stays (8706 rooms) are artful constructions. However, there is also an enormous mountain of human misery and idolatry hiding behind it. In the description is written that the wall is more than a relic of history. It is a symbol of the brutality of imperial rule, the deployment of numerous laborers, the genius of engineers and the human urge to build for immortality. The Forbidden City was not meant for a mortal emperor, but for ‘the son of heaven’, the predestined link between heaven (yang) and earth (yin) who was responsible for peace, prosperity and orderly life on earth. The ‘mortal emperor’ with his divine status was a prisoner in this city, trapped in the system that was built around his divine person.
In the evening I read in 2 Peter 3 about the burning end of the world and the works on it when the day of the Lord comes (2 Pet 3: 10-12) and was reminded of the human structures we have seen. That is what happens to anything made by men without God and to their own honor and glory. I also had to think of Solomon who describes in Ecclesiastes 2 how he has tried to find some meaning in life and among other things attempted to find that in the building of houses (Ecc 2:4). His conclusion was that it was all vanity, emptiness, and vexation of wind (Ecc 2:11). Therein cannot be found any real and lasting satisfaction for the heart. You see the expression in the eyes of the Chinese: absolute emptiness.
Tuesday afternoon we visited as planned the b-school. There were also some other people present. Through questions and discussions we got the impression that this training is more theological training. The emphasis was to our feeling more to the head than the heart, more on religion than on relation. It was more about education than about the Lord Jesus. The different ugbs when we visited, it was the relationship with the Lord Jesus. That is our impression anyway.
When asked what I teach, I have recommended them to read my commentary on the letter to the Corinthians. Then they know what I am teaching about the church of God and other subjects. The Lord and His work are not well served if it appears that our objectives would not be the same. It is about the glory of the Lord. They agreed. They wanted to read the commentary and then see if my teaching is a contribution to the goal they have with their training.
Wednesday afternoon we went to Boris, whom we had met in Wenzhou and who had invited us to visit him when we were in Beijing. He showed us his office and several rooms that he used for his pastoral courses. At the end of the afternoon he took us to an ugbs in northern Beijing. He did this not only for us but also for himself. He wanted to see if he could move his office there because the rent he has now to pay is rather high.
A couple from South Korea who manage the school warmly greeted us. They have come here to bring the good news. In addition, they want to help and motivate others. There were at that time about 40 older and younger believers eating. We could immediately join them. Then we shared with them from the Word. Almost every sentence was imbibed with agreement and a clear amen. The spacious buildings provide shelter to 200 people. Who knows, said Boris, this location can be used to educate leaders. We will pray for it.
It was a nice ending of again a very special time in China. It is different every time, richer. We felt surrounded by the prayers of many and experienced the answers by the Lord. We may now continue to pray that the Lord blesses His Word further.
Another point of prayer is that the website seems to have been blocked by the government. The site contains several recordings of previous studies in English with translation in Chinese, which the believers we met, would like to use. Now I have gotten some messages that the site is not accessible.
Warm greetings in our Lord,
Ger and Willy de Koning