1 - 6 Examine Yourself
1 This is the third time I am coming to you. EVERY FACT IS TO BE CONFIRMED BY THE TESTIMONY OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES. 2 I have previously said when present the second time, and though now absent I say in advance to those who have sinned in the past and to all the rest [as well], that if I come again I will not spare [anyone], 3 since you are seeking for proof of the Christ who speaks in me, and who is not weak toward you, but mighty in you. 4 For indeed He was crucified because of weakness, yet He lives because of the power of God. For we also are weak in Him, yet we will live with Him because of the power of God [directed] toward you. 5 Test yourselves [to see] if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test? 6 But I trust that you will realize that we ourselves do not fail the test.
V1. As Paul mentioned in the previous chapter (2Cor 12:14), he was ready for the third time to visit them. It is evident that he held the Corinthian believers close to his heart. His attachment to them was true and deep. He was not indifferent to his children’s development in their faith. He had heard much about the poor quality of their faith life. There was much that needed correction. But he could deal with them only on the basis of clear facts and evidences. Certain things came to his ears but he could not pronounce judgment based on superficial evidences. The facts must be shown.
Witness statements are of great importance in each case of sin that happens in the church. God has already had it recorded in the Old Testament (Deu 19:15) that in the case of iniquity and sin conviction should be established only if there are two or three witnesses. There might be one trustworthy witness, but still there must be a second or even a third witness to establish the fact without leaving any room for ambiguity. If only the church had acted cautiously according to this prescription the amount of divisions wouldn’t have been that manifold as unfortunately is seen today. Paul, a man of great discernment who was well aware of all that happened in Corinth, wanted to stick to this biblical principle.
V2. He will spare those who sinned before. Once again he gives this warning. He did not want to come with a rod. What he wanted was a pleasant visit in which they would together rejoice about the great things the Lord had worked in their life. They would prepare themselves for this event if they listened to what he wrote in this letter. This letter played a preparatory role for his coming.
V3-5. In verse 3 he refutes the latest charge of the false prophets. According to them Paul was a ‘nobody’, an insignificant person and therefore it was impossible that Christ could speak through him.
Verses 3b and 4 must be read as a parenthesis to see how Paul refutes this accusation. Verse 3a continues in verse 5. Did they seek a proof of Christ speaking in him (verse 3a)? Well, then they must look at themselves (verse 5). Could they say they were in the faith? Yes, they could. Then they have to admit the fact that Christ spoke through Paul because they came to the faith through his preaching.
They should just test themselves to see in what way they are saved. Were they saved because something they did themselves or because Christ had done something for them? Also here they must acknowledge that it was only because of Christ, and that Christ was preached to them by none other than Paul.
Verse 5 does not challenge you to check the proofs of your salvation. It is not meant to bring you to doubt the certainty of your salvation by examining your heart and life to make sure that you have brought forth enough fruit. Such a test is not mentioned here, but just the opposite. This verse confirms the assurance of your salvation. What is essential is that we are aware of the foundation of your faith. Is your faith founded on something in you or from yourself? Or is your faith based on something that happened outside of you, separate from you and for your benefit? The latter is the case.
The work of Christ was fully accomplished outside of you regardless of your feeling or experience. God expects that you simply accept it by faith. That afterward the works of faith must be visible is also true and that is spoken of elsewhere in the Bible, as in the letter of James, but this is not the subject here. Beware of the ones who teach that you cannot know for sure if “you are in the faith”. ‘To be in the faith’ means that you are a believer. “Examine yourselves” means consider how it happened and not what is seen in your life. The one who says that Christ is not in him stands outside of salvation, and he is not a believer and therefore he has no part in the life of God.
In all it is seen that Christ spoke in and through Paul. Paul accepts that it is possible that he did not create any sensation in his ministry. In the parenthesis of the verses 3b-4 he explains the reason why he did so. First they had to know that Christ has not been weak toward them. What power went out of Him when they came in contact with Him. He turned their whole dirty, corrupt life inside out. Their evil and dark heart came to the light. They came to know themselves and were converted in repentance to God and accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior. What a power!
But how did He make this possible? It was because He was crucified in weakness. Is there anything weaker than a crucified man? Can such a person ever do anything? Yet they placed their faith in Him, and rightly so. The power of God was needed to make Him alive, although He also rose in His own power – as the Lord Jesus is the Son of God at the same time (Rom 1:4). But here it is all about what people, including the Corinthians, saw in Him when He hung on the cross. Paul was pleased to be made one with such a weak Christ. That is the reason why his preaching was not with enticing words, and therefore he was weak in his outward appearance. He was weak in Christ.
But Paul also knew that one day he will live with Him indeed by the same power which had already worked out the new life in the Corinthians. Is it not something wonderful to see that he uses everything to win the hearts of the Corinthians and at the same time he keeps himself completely identified with Christ? He doesn’t say that he himself will live for Christ through the power of God, although it is true, but he applies the power of God to what happened to the Corinthians in their conversion.
V6. There is nothing left for him except to express the hope that his explanation shows them that he did not fail the test or that he is not disqualified as an apostle. He just wanted to preach Christ and nothing else.
You have a good example in Paul that shows the way to deal with people who accuse you falsely. You cannot do anything better than what he did to win the hearts of your opponents. Show Christ and show that you want to be one with Him in your preaching and in your whole life. If those who bring false charges against you are believers, then show them the privileges they have in Christ. That will shame them. It is not easy but that is the Lord’s way of victory.
Now read 2 Corinthians 13:1-6 again.
Reflection: What is meant by ‘prove yourselves’? Why is it said?
7 - 14 Prayers and Closing Words
7 Now we pray to God that you do no wrong; not that we ourselves may appear approved, but that you may do what is right, even though we may appear unapproved. 8 For we can do nothing against the truth, but [only] for the truth. 9 For we rejoice when we ourselves are weak but you are strong; this we also pray for, that you be made complete. 10 For this reason I am writing these things while absent, so that when present I [need] not use severity, in accordance with the authority which the Lord gave me for building up and not for tearing down. 11 Finally, brethren, rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. 12 Greet one another with a holy kiss. 13 All the saints greet you. 14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.
V7. Paul seeks the good of the Corinthians. First he says that he wants to prevent them from doing evil. All the evil a child of God commits casts a blemish on God and on Christ. You are surrounded by evil; you can be easily infected by it, and before you know it, you’re joining in. Our prayer should be that God protects us from evil. Also that should be our prayer for one another as Paul does here for the Corinthians.
The motive is not self-glorification though it can happen in our life. For instance I may want to keep my children from doing wrong things to show what a good father I am. If that is my motive then nothing worthwhile comes out of it. My motive must be the welfare of my children. This should be in my heart. You can perhaps make a list of persons for whom you can pray that God will protect them from doing evil.
However preservation from evil alone is not enough. The one who does not do evil must begin to do good. Otherwise the greatest danger is that the void is filled with new and more evil. We see a connection between the good and the evil in Romans 12: “Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good” (Rom 12:9). Paul was so much for their good that he wanted to give himself up completely for that.
V8. The only thing that interested him was the truth. It was impossible for him to conceal the truth or invalidate it. He certainly did not act against the truth nor withheld it from the Corinthians. What he wanted was just to bring the truth. He knew the truth of the word of the Lord Jesus: “The truth will make you free” (Jn 8:32). The truth of the Word of God breaks apart every bond by which people, including believers, can be bound. People can be trapped in an immoral life or caught in certain legalistic or philosophical systems. But the truth sets them free. By presenting the truth we can help produce the desired result in the lives of people.
V9. Truth does not bother how strong a man or a woman who brings the truth is. Paul rejoiced in the fact that while he remained weak the truth made the Corinthians strong.
The second prayer he had in his heart for them was that they should be made complete or perfect. That is exactly the work of the truth. Whoever is busy with the Word of God will grow spiritually into maturity. ‘Maturity’ is one of the meanings of ‘completion’ or ‘perfection’. Paul’s desire to see them complete also refers to their completely being joined together. This is what is needed in view of the divisions in Corinth. That is why he writes to them. Now they have a letter in their hands in which instructions have been given to bring things into order in view of his coming.
Here one can draw a parallel with our situation. We also have a letter, the complete Bible, which contains instructions as to how we should live and bring to order the things which are not right. The Lord Jesus is coming back soon. How will He find us?
V10. Paul did not want to deal with them harshly. He had the authority, but he did not prefer that method. He wanted to use his authority in a positive way to edify them and build them up instead of destroying the wrong things. He was like a father in a family. A father has the authority and the right to punish his children. He must do it if necessary. But if his day is filled with beating his children, then imagine how the home atmosphere will be. Every father would like to use his authority to contribute good things to his children and help them learn the right way of life for the glory of the Lord.
V11. Paul concludes his letter by giving some exhortations. These should serve to help them to go the right way and in the right direction toward the ultimate goal of the Christian life journey:
1. He starts with “rejoice”. You might ask how he could say this after writing so much about what was wrong in their midst. Maybe that is just the reason why he says it. His aim was not that they should lose heart. There were so many things about which they could rejoice and the same applies to you also.
2. Again follows the admonition to “be made complete” or “perfect” or be joined together. We need each other very much and should not fall apart in groups.
3. “Be comforted” sounds like an encouragement in the midst of so many things that can make us sad and depressed.
4. “Be like-minded” means to have the same desire together and to have the same zeal to reach the goal. Everyone should work for the interests of the Lord and not for his own interests.
5. The list ends with the admonition to “live in peace”. Where there is peace there is harmony. Peace is an atmosphere in which people feel well.
Therefore God is called the “God of love and peace”. Love is mentioned first, because God is love. Love is the source of all that is good. This God will be with us when we take these words of encouragement to heart and work toward its practical application. Can you imagine anything better than to have this God “with you” as your Companion?
V12. When the believers in Corinth gathered together for a particular reason they should greet one another with a holy kiss. It is not so much the form of greeting, like the kiss, that is the most important thing. In Western culture believers shake hands. In the East people greet with folded hands. The point is that it is a sincere greeting, not an artificial or feigned one. It must be done in a sacred manner. Behind the kiss or the shaking or folding of hands should hide no unholy thoughts against a brother or a sister.
V13. Paul also sends greetings on behalf of those who were with him. It was not the believers in Corinth alone who are related to one another. There are other believers in other places and Paul makes them feel the warmth of their fellowship also, despite the many wrong things among them.
V14. The words of blessings with which he concludes this letter are unique among his letters. Nowhere do we see such an impressive farewell address. In it Paul brings the triune God to the Corinthians.
1. First “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ” is mentioned. Grace is necessary because we have forfeited everything. Wherever this awareness is present, the Lord Jesus Christ – you see His full name mentioned here – comes and gives in His grace what is needed. His grace is mentioned here for the second time. In chapter 8 we have come across the grace for lost sinners (2Cor 8:9). The grace mentioned here is the means to restore a failing church.
2. Then “the love of God” is mentioned. Love always seeks the good for others. God in His love gave His only begotten Son for lost sinners. The love of God is effective in bringing a deviant church back on the right path.
3. Finally “the fellowship of the Holy Spirit” is mentioned. Believers can relate to each other in the right way only when everyone let the Holy Spirit guide his life. To experience this fellowship, sin must not be allowed let alone remain present in the life of the believers,. The Holy Spirit cannot have fellowship with sin.
We will receive a great blessing if we in the local church take the contents of this letter to heart. God grant that we commit ourselves to that. This will be to His honor and glory and to our joy and peace.
Now read 2 Corinthians 13:7-14 again.
Reflection: What can you do to realize the encouragements of Paul?